WeHostMacs provides a separate server for each of the core web services and a maximum of 250 sites on each web server.
The other guys stuff their servers with all of the core services and between 500 and 1,000 website accounts or more.
Web, WebDAV, FTP - 250 Accounts Max.
Web, FTP, Email, MySQL Database and DNS
and from
500 to 1,000
website accounts or more!
At WeHostMacs, we use the same approach to IT as large enterprise companies. Most virtual hosting companies run all of your services on the same computer, including Web, FTP, MySQL, Email and DNS. They often stuff these over-burdened servers with between 500 and 1,000 or more website accounts.
We do the exact opposite. We break core services in to dedicated servers so each has its specific duty and thus provides better performance and increases uptime. We run a maximum of 250 accounts on any single web server. Our average uptime is in excess of 99.99%
(Note: We do performance leveling on each server to maximize performance for you.)
FileMaker Hosting
FileMaker Pro Hosting
In-House vs. Our-House (The Cloud)
Pros: Local direct control over the server In-House performance is slightly faster
Cons: More expensive Off-site performance is slower Hardware maintenance Hardware upgrades Software updates Software upgrade costs IT personnel as needed Off-site backup system needed. BackUp power system needed.
Pros: Less expensive. Off-site remote performance is faster No hardware maintenance No hardware upgrades required No software updates No software upgrade costs No IT personnel needed. Daily backup system provided BackUp Power UPS provided
Cons: Less direct control over server. In-House performance is slightly slower.
Either way you look at it hosting your FileMaker Pro database with WeHostMacs is a smart move. Not only will you save money in both hardware and software, but you will still have great local performance. If you have additional questions about WeHostMacs FileMaker hosting, please feel free to give us a call. We will be glad to go over your requirements. We are willing to accommodate your additional needs in most cases.
Our average FileMaker Server Advanced uptime is in excess of 99.99%